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Meet Me at BlogWorld Expo


Meet Me at BlogWorld Expo

BlogWorld SpeakerIf you like to blog and are looking for ways to promote and monetize your blog you may want to come to BlogWorld Expo next month at the Las Vegas Convention Center. I’m looking forward to being there and on Saturday, Sept. 20 (12:15 PM – 1:15 PM) joining Shawn Collins, Sam Harrelson and Tim Jones on a panel entitled Affiliate Marketing Secrets for Bloggers. If you’re going to be there then please look me up.

In preparation for this panel I would like to provide some great examples of well-monetized blogs that primarily rely on affiliate marketing. I invite you to leave your comments and links to successful blogs as well as monetization methods that I could highlight for this panel.

This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.

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