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New Browse by Shopping Category Feature Launched


New Browse by Shopping Category Feature Launched

We recently launched a new feature on that lets shoppers browse for bargains by their preferred shopping category. We currently have 34 shopping categories and each category contains up to 100 of our most popular and/or recent coupon codes and bargains.

The bargains within these categories are hand-filed by our staff and designed to help shoppers find savings they may not pick up via traditional search tools. Each category is initially sorted by popularity; however, shoppers can re-sort them alphabetically by store, by expiration date, or to display the newest listings first.

I invite you to check out this new shopping category feature and let me know what you think.

This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.

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  1. StephARC says:

    I think it’s a great feature while I was doing some Christmas shopping online I used cats like golf to help me search. Also taking it to another level there were cats by male and female types. For example trendy woman or geek guy. Sounds silly but a very helpful tool!

Categories / Topics*

*Some legacy content excluded.

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