When eating out, families can often save a lot of money by choosing restaurants where kids eat free. Finding “kids eat free” restaurants, though, can be a chore for parents, especially when traveling. Thankfully, with MyKidsEatFree.com, there’s a new online resource to help parents out.
With MyKidsEatFree.com, you can search by city and state for local restaurants where kids eat free. I think this website can save parents lots of money and that’s why I wanted to share it with our readers.
I’m hoping one day the parents behind MyKidsEatFree.com will develop an iPhone application that will use my current location via GPS and provide directions to local options to restaurants where kids eat free. That would be especially great for traveling.
This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.
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Shawn Plummer says:
Extensive list of Kids Eat Free deals that are updated weekly.
Suzanne A. says:
Another great resource for this information is http://KidsMealdeals.com – Pretty neat!